Reincarnation Can Be Amusing

Belief in reincarnation is common. Sometimes our ego-minds like to fantasize about being big shots in other lives. Often it's a royal person like a king, queen, prince or princess. Be patient with people who go on about this sort of thing. It's normal and humorous. 

This belief presupposes a condition of separation that cannot exist. We are all extensions of The One Holy Source. That being said, this universe is a manifestation of individual and collective belief and reincarnation is as real as anything else.

Belief about reincarnation is interesting in that some folks conceive it as a time-bound progression in which we become incrementally more spiritually aware, while others see it as a series of fits, starts, setbacks and leaps. Three steps forward two steps back.

Christians say they don't believe in it, yet believe they'll go to heaven or hell, which are just other reincarnational life experiences.

I believe we all live an infinite number of lives, the number increasing exponentially forever.

Let me explain.

  • Belief in time is part of the consensus trance. Without time being a factor, we are experiencing all lives simultaneously. Time doesn't constrain your God-Self.
  • As God-Self we're undifferentiated parts of One Holy Source, and therefore we are experiencing everyone's lives as our own.
  • Each individual random choice and/or interaction we experience causes a separate sequence of events leading to an exponential increase in the number of life experiences, to infinity. This may help explain goal setting.
  • We are created in God's Image and are extending ourselves like God, to infinity.

Belief in Reincarnation Distracts From What's Happening Now

Reincarnation can be a nonproductive distraction, albeit an intriguing concept and fun to speculate about. It has little to do with what's happening now aside from tendencies believed to be carried over from other life experiences. 

If you've not already clicked that link above, go ahead and click it. It goes to a Wikipedia page that covers the specifics better than any other site I've seen. The links from there are amazing.

Belief in other life experience is like believing in air, water, sunshine, or gravity. Dwelling on it is not going to help you become acquainted with your God-Self. It's a pretty distraction. Just be here now.

It's Okay to Believe What You Want Especially When Your Beliefs Serve You Well

If you read about hypnosis, and particularly Ericksonian hypnosis, you'll realize that what we think is "real" is just our interpretation.

Sure, there's a consensus trance in effect that causes us to have mutually defined experiences of the world influenced by groupthink, but it is still a highly subjective experience.

You are creating your experiences of the world according to your beliefs. You can change beliefs that don't support you. 

Get a book about neuro-linguistic programming or NLP and look into how you can change your beliefs to conform with your goals or as NLP practitioners call them, well-formed outcomes.

Some NLP practitioners are also hypnotherapists and they can be very effective helping you modify your beliefs so they serve you well.

Your beliefs about reincarnation or other life experiences influencing your present life may not be serving you very well. You decide.

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