Garden pond construction with a waterfall is pretty simple and they are beautiful when done well.
Meditating near a waterfall is helpful because the action of water passing through air creates negative ions which can facilitate meditation. Also the sound of a waterfall can mask distracting sounds and tends to be very relaxing.
Following are key tips.
Choose a site that will not be severely flooded with runoff from rainfall.
Use a garden hose to define the perimeter if you want to build a natural looking pond rather than simply square or round.
Decide on depth, length and width, while bearing in mind fish and plants may require different depths.
Go to and use their handy tool for computing the size liner you need based on the dimensions you've decided upon.
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Buy a laser level. A small one is okay.
After defining the perimeter of your garden pond, set up the laser level on one side in an elevated position on a level surface. Be creative.
Assemble a bunch of sticks, rods, or stakes and stick them in the ground all around the garden pond's perimeter.
Move the laser level so it shines on each stake individually and mark the stakes where the laser hits them. Make certain the level remains level the entire time.
Now it's time to dig. One of the biggest concerns is to end up with the perimeter being as level as possible. Using a laser level makes this easy. Get the same measure to the soil on the perimeter from the marks on the stakes.
Three to four feet deep is good for fish. Eighteen inches to two feet is okay for lilies and lotus although lotus can do well in deeper water. Six to twelve inches is good for bog plants. Bear all this in mind when digging. Creating a shelf for the lilies is easiest.
Elevating the perimeter with dirt from the excavation is optional and can be helpful in preventing runoff from entering the garden pond. Tamping the fill around the perimeter is best.
Using some sort of under-liner to protect the liner is a good idea. Products are available that do this. Used carpeting salvaged from the dumpster behind your local carpet store is a good option. Just make sure it has no tacks in it.
Now you need to install the liner. Start from one side and unfold it. Try not to drag it much because this may displace the under-liner and/or soil. Depending on the size of the pond and your own strength you may need help. Garden pond liners can be heavy.
Waterfalls are nice and you can make a filter using a tub filled with lava rock. Surround the tub with flat stones. Then pump water from the pond into the bottom of the tub, letting it flow back into the pond.
Build the waterfall on the liner or a piece of liner so there's no problem if the water wants to go where its not supposed to flow. This is important because you may pump your garden pond dry otherwise.
Lilies and lotus like to grow in still water. You can have a robust waterfall if you create a bog for the waterfall to flow into allowing for the water to calmly enter the main pond.
To create a more natural looking garden pond I've used commercial grade landscape cloth AKA weed barrier. It needs to be the heavy stuff with one smooth and one fuzzy side.
Before filling the garden pond with water lay the landscape fabric fuzzy side up on the perimeter of the liner or the entire liner. Weight it down with sand and/or gravel.
Using large gravel on the bottom will help goldfish breed successfully if that's of interest.
Soon after filling the pond with water that fuzzy side of the landscape fabric will be colonized by organisms creating a natural look, so much better than the plain liner.
After filling the pond with water it's best to wait a month or two before introducing fish because of something called the nitrogen cycle. Otherwise the fish may die horribly.
You can plant all you want right away. The water will likely become rather foul looking and the water expelled from a waterfall may create a great deal of foam while the nitrogen cycle is settling. There are pond additives that fix that. It'll be okay.
To suppress algae growth plant a lot of plants. The nutrients the algae would consume will be consumed by the plants you introduce. Your fish will eat mosquito larvae.
Golden minnows and comet goldfish are good choices for fish in your garden pond.
National pet store chains sell them as feeders for other fish so they are cheap.
Koi are expensive, destructive to plants, jump out, and are preyed upon.
Koi are the top choice of high status consumers.
Koi are such a trite choice.
Comets look like koi.
Buy comets.
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